ReVased Stands With the Black Community 🌷
Dear ReVased Community,
We are extremely troubled by recent events in our country. The unjust and wrongful murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery have brought to the forefront, yet again, the injustice and inequality faced by many of our Black sisters and brothers.
Over the past few days, we have been listening. And learning. And donating. And we will continue to do so. Black lives matter, and we are doing everything we can to support the Black community. We understand that, as white women, we will never understand. However, we stand. We have read through many anti-racist materials (including these, h/t Rebecca Shapiro) and have donated to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. We're also looking to expand our non-profit partners to whom we donate flowers, particularly those with a focus on the Black community and fighting racial injustice. Please reach out if you know of any facilities in the Baltimore, DC, or New York City areas who would benefit from our floral donations.
At ReVased, community has always and will always come first. We hope our flowers can shine some brightness into your lives during this dark time.
With Love,
Arielle & Aviva
ReVased Co-Founders