Swiss Cheese (*not the eating kind😊): How to Care for it!

The Monstera adansonii, often called the “Swiss Cheese Plant,” is loved for its unique, hole-filled leaves and easygoing nature. Perfect for homes and offices, this tropical plant thrives with just a little attention to its basic needs (like me)! 

Here’s a quick care guide to keep your Monstera Swiss Cheese happy and healthy:

  1. Lighting: The Swiss Cheese Plant thrives in bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch its delicate leaves. If light levels are low, the plant will survive but may grow more slowly and produce smaller leaves.

  2. Watering: Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so always check the soil moisture first. Water less frequently during the winter months when growth slows.

  3. Temperature: As a tropical plant, the Monstera adansonii loves high humidity. Mist the leaves occasionally, use a humidifier, or place it near other plants to create a humid microclimate. Keep temperatures between 65-80°F and avoid cold drafts.

  4. Pruning: Trim leggy stems or yellowing leaves to maintain a tidy appearance. The Swiss Cheese Plant can climb or trail—use a moss pole for vertical growth or let it cascade from a hanging pot.

With its striking foliage and versatility, the Monstera Swiss Cheese Plant is a standout in any collection. Easy to care for and visually stunning, it’s the perfect plant for beginners and seasoned plant enthusiasts alike. Shop our favorite type of Swiss Cheese here!