Care Tips for Your Callas: The Ideal Indoor / Outdoor Plant
Potted calla lilies are elegant plants known for their trumpet-shaped blooms and lush foliage. With proper care, these beauties can thrive indoors ...
Plant Care Tips: Peperomia Watermelon
The Peperomia Watermelon is a delightful houseplant known for its striking foliage that resembles watermelon rinds. Compact and low-maintenance, it...
The Lady Valentine: Make Her Thrive
The Chinese Evergreen ‘Lady Valentine,’ a stunning houseplant with pink-speckled leaves, adds a splash of color to any space. Known for its resilie...
Homemade Flower Food Recipes
Run out of flower food? Have no fear! Easy-to-make homemade flower food solutions can help extend the life of your cut flowers.
Care Tips for Your Plants!
Gorgeous and easy home decor, plants can help boost your mood, strengthen your immune system, improve your air quality, and SO much more!
Care Tips For Your Flowers!
Flower arranging is not only fun and relaxing, but also, if you care for your flowers, they will last longer! Follow our SIMPLE tips to extend th...
Plant Care Tips: Monstera Delicosa
Are you enchanted by the lush green leaves and iconic splits of the Monstera Deliciosa, aka the Swiss Cheese Plant? You're not alone! With its stri...
Plant Care Tips: Maranta 'Leuconeura'
The Maranta Leuconeura, commonly known as the Prayer Plant, is sure to capture your attention with its beautiful and intricate leaf patterns. Follo...
Flower Care Tips: Hydrangeas!
Hydrangeas are stunning flowers that can bring a touch of elegance and charm to any room. Known for their voluminous blooms and vibrant colors (the...